C++ Lesson 2 :: Hello World!

Hello World!

Quick note: I don’t have a full grip on Word Press’s formatting options quite yet. Some elements may look a little bizarre.

Today we’re going to create a very simple C++ program called Hello World. The objective of this program is to print the phrase ‘Hello World!’ to the screen. Along the way we are going to establish some consistency and shudder at some vocabulary words. Consistency is important because you may not always remember what your program is supposed to do. Thus, it’s always a good idea to put some flourishes in so when you go back and look at it a year or so later you can quickly identify what is going on. Vocabulary is important in any language that you care to understand. How on earth could you read this blog post without first knowing some rudimentary colloquialisms?

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C++ Lesson 1 :: Introduction

Hello World

I’d like to introduce you to a new section on ThomFiles, focused exclusively on the fundamentals of C++ programming. Recently, I dropped out of a C++ programming course because the workload became too heavy and my other classes were suffering as a result; basically I’m a giant pussy and backed out when shit got too hard. But this decision does not end my programming career. On the contrary, it gives me some time to further explore just what C++ programming can do. I’ve concluded that C++ (and other similar programming languages) can do just about anything, and this idea intrigues me.

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